I pinged my friend and jokingly asked her how she was 'enjoying' work... she didn't reply to my question but just sent me this link.
My first reaction: OMG!
First thought: This could happen to anyone. Anyone!
I was dull after hearing about this because I relate with them through work. Though I have never interacted much I knew they existed. I heard the atmosphere at office is very sad. Friends and colleagues are finding it difficult to come to terms with the incident. Sigh!
Imagine the others in that compartment. Families, children, husbands, wives, grandparents, lovers, friends, colleagues, ... dreams, hopes ... all gone... getting burnt alive... you feel the pain, the killing pain, and yet to live till you are charred... the worst form of death... :(
All these things happen. There's no stopping. Two little innocent children lost their parents (a close family friend) to an accident few months ago. The family, kids, an aunt and the couple were coming back home from a visit to a temple. Their return ended on a disastrous note. The children came back home termed orphans. For no fault of theirs, the kids are lonely today and under the care of known strangers.
At this juncture, all I can think about is the uncertainty that dominates us. To an extent I have given up being a procrastinator. The work I leave behind for tomorrow may never be complete, I probably may not exist tomorrow. I have consciously stopped fighting with A, due an inexplicable fear that rules my heart :(
Life is uncertain. People who smile at us today may not live to see a tomorrow. This is what should make us feel we are under the domination of a power that can destroy and create. We are mere actors in this play called life.
We can't pray for supernatural life saving powers, but we can and should pray for strength that'll help us overcome tribulations and afflictions.
I read about that too and was in a state of shock since I'd met them when my family and I went to dinner last month at City Centre. Priorities suddenly click back into perspective and you see life differently suddenly.
I really have a heavy heart after reading your post...Well,I think somewhere or the other,we all feel that such disasters would never occur in our lives and take everything around for granted, thinking that there are several more years to go...soo sit back and relax.But these unfortunate incidents are indications of nature to wake up and and utilise our lives(a gift) to the best of our ability !!!
God bless those victims...
@ careless chronicles: very true...
@ thinkin: Yeah it's high time we take life seriously...
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