Friday, June 29, 2007

The donkey brayed loud into my ear…

...and even kissed me good morning!

No…I’m not wedded to a donkey! That’s what I call my squeaky toy…that brays! It resembles a donkey, well, it is a donkey except that it has no tail. What else can you name it…a fish?

I still remember the day I got Donkey…It was my “farewell” gift. My friend Hadie shifted to another home. Of course he had to forget something. He left behind Donkey!

Donkey became mine! (I never told you it was “My Farewell” …It was Hadie’s…and donkey was my gift.)

Have you ever seen a black Donkey? No??!!

Thank goodness! I knew my donkey was unique.

He got burnt while watching the chimney. (He’s always curiously looking out for Santa Claus.)

Well that morning after Donkey woke me up, I went down to have my breakfast.

I ate. I was merry.

That’s all Folks!

No…Not the end!

I even had lunch and dinner.

But something unusual happened that night. After dinner was served…

No dessert was served! Sigh…I had to go to bed on a hungry stomach. I wished Donkey a good night but he wouldn’t respond.

Who cares! I needed sleep. Next morning….The Lion roared loud into my ear.

No. Not another squeaky toy. That’s what I call my alarm clock. Wondering what happened to Donkey? The batteries died. Donkey Died. Father cried.

Not funny? But it rhymed!

What if tomorrow Lion died? One by one I would be left with no-one to bring me to light.

The good solution: Buy a live donkey and a lion. May be, not a lion!

Better solution: Buy only a donkey.

Best solution: Buy new batteries.

Donkey, Lion…and batteries…..that’s all I need in life!