Sunday, August 24, 2008

I clearly detest cooking... when I'm tired!

I love cooking when I'm not tired! My parents have been traveling a lot these days and so that usually leaves me with the kitchen, all mine and the option to cook whatever I want. Turned out, the idea was not as tempting as it 'cooked' in my mind. I'd plan what I'd like to make for dinner during class. One day it was puri-aloo, another day it was ven pongal, then it was vada-sambhar... I do most of my recipe planning in class and then savor it in my mind! :D

But the minute I get back home, I get irritated looking at empty dishes in the kitchen. Because I have a brother at home, I HAVE to cook... but I clearly hate cooking after getting back from college. It's past 6 when I reach home and I'm too tired to even take my books out, leave alone cooking.
Yet I managed to cook all these dishes and more, because I really do get hungry. So does my brother.

But...but but but...I have decided I do not want to work after I'm married 'cos then my family is sure to starve or get blasted at for no reason and my husband being forced to cook something for the kids (BIG PICTURE!)

If I have the time and space I'll cook. Promise!


Anonymous said...

its a cute blog .......i find myself in same place when my parents are out and after a long tiring day at work , cook for me....

Anonymous said...

its a cute blog .......i find myself in same place when my parents are out and after a long tiring day at work , cook for me....