Thursday, December 13, 2007

Why he lives...

He lived a very lonely life.
He laughed alone, cried alone,
He kept waiting, in vain he thought...
until one day he found her.
She hugged him whenever his heart felt lonely again.
She gave him small kisses and then would run away, it made his heart light.
She danced like she had no worries. It made him cry out of joy.
She sang hymns for him, and he silently prayed that nobody took her away from him.
She told him stories with no meanings...
She did little things for him, little insignificant things in the world's eyes...
but things, little and insignificant, meant the world to him.
She cried whenever he fell ill or fell down.
She lifted him up whenever he slipped...
With her smile she lit his days...She loved him...truly
They took long strolls together
They played silly games
They built sand castles
They never once forgot that they were 'one'
Until one day, she was gone
He kept looking for her But she was gone
Gone forever.
But before she left, she gave something that changed his life forever...
She brought back the child in him
She showed him how beautiful life is
She brought back the confidence he lacked
She made him a champ among his friends
She turned him into a star...
He was not lonely
He had got a new life
The life that she gave him
She blessed him forever
And he 'Lives'
for what she gifted him.

1 comment:

Brinda Krishnan said...

aww this is simply beautiful...