Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Line of thought...

When I published the post 'Kingdom of the Mad' I was extremely hurt and upset about how things were taking shape in my life...yesterday I was reading a book...if you did not realize...I am with books all the time because I can travel to distant places by simply being a part of the book...yes, so I was reading a very interesting novel on forgiveness...there was a simple line that caught my attention "Human wisdom is madness in the eyes of God."
So true...we sometimes forget that we can never be greater than God who sees it all, he must be having a good laugh up there, for the kind of clowns all of us are. Man thinks he can make the perfect rocket, the unsinkable ship, the flawless government...of course man has acquired all the knowledge that is necessary to 'create' new things...but the difference lies here...man will never be able to stop a rocket from crashing back onto earth, man will never be able to save a ship from sinking, man can never save a city from being destroyed by a natural calamity...man will remain a man forever...
On similar lines, there is nothing wrong in saying the world is mad...and after reading this line...I'm happier than before because I live in a mad world and I cannot expect things to go right!

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