Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Who is to be blamed?

Rape was always a part of society’s being and it will continue to be so. Unless every man turns gay, in which case, other men will be raped. Nevertheless, rape will continue. So will murder, cheating, theft and lying. So then who is to be blamed? What follows below is not my reasoning. There is no answer to this question; perhaps, it is natural for bad to exist.

We just want a leader. A bad leader.
When Jesus was sentenced to death, nobody cried for his release.  They wanted Barabbas instead. They learnt from Jesus’s teachings, were fed and nursed by him, yet they wanted to kill him.
When Hitler decided to kill millions of Jews, everybody stood by him. He had millions of people backing him for what he claimed was justice.
Jesus had all but 13 followers, most of who fled away when he was in trouble.

We want to have an upper hand over women.
We watch movies where they show an illiterate, dastardly goon falling in love with a girl; who at first hates him. But after being stalked repeatedly, she falls madly in love with him and leaves her rich parents behind to lead the “happily ever after life” with him. Whose ego are we boosting? Why is the girl falling prey to an idiot who thinks he can get a girl by following her and tormenting her and sometimes slapping her for being so arrogant!
A young student in Chennai was victim to acid attack for not accepting the love proposal from a petty construction worker. Why should she say yes to any dick who thinks he can get the girl if he wants to?

Good education is for the rich. Only.
Only the rich and affluent can afford great education. If you are poor and helpless, there are umpteen number of corporation and government schools. But you might as well not go there. The teachers don’t speak any English nor do they really know what they are teaching, your uniform is not of any concern to anybody, and you needn’t have any food in school.

Discrimination begins from school.
The rich children are one gang. Which means they can bully those who cannot afford the same watch or have the same luxury car. The poor children are another gang. They aspire to become rich and arrogant like the rich gang someday.

 The Police force is all but a bunch of male servants.
They salute ministers, buy vegetables for their seniors’ wives, bring their children back from school, don’t speak good English. Nobody calls them officer, nobody respects them. If somebody drives around in an Audi, the policeman has to talk to them softly, so as to not hurt the rich guy’s sentiments.
They live in 200 sq ft quarters, 4 or 5 of them in the family. Their children go to government schools and they don’t get a deserving childhood even though their dad is in the prestigious police force. The department does not do anything to remind them that they got into the police force by sitting in the scorching sun for hours, waiting for their physical tests; when each one of them walked into the police grounds with pride that they were going to serve the nation. Today, they have paunches and they don’t care. Because, nobody cares.

The law is governed by the rich and influential.
The rich once governed the church. They would pay money to wash away their sins. It’s the same today; they pay money to judges and courts to evade their faults.

Parents take pride in giving their children luxury gifts.
It’s OK for the sons to have a car at the age of 13 and an iPhone to go with it, as long as everybody in the society knows that he is your son. It’s OK for the daughters to lash out their tongue at the servant maid, who is barely 10 years of age; because the daughter is born into a rich family while the poor servant girl chose a poor family. It’s OK if the sons keep switching girlfriends and speak abusively of them, because having a playboy image is an absolute necessity among the elite.

Nobody does their work.
If everybody does their work with sincerity and honesty, a lot of things would be different today. A bus driver drives slowly; a corporation lays good roads; an architect builds an apartment with good materials; a consumer goods manufacturer manufactures unadulterated goods; a government rules honestly – these are some of the dreams of a common man in the society. And look at us, we go to work, update our status on FB, browse through websites and come back home. 

Corporates don’t want people.
They are looking for human robots, who will do just as they say and have no opinion of their own. Qualities like being a suck-up and backstabbing co-workers is a plus.

We are angry.
Anger is a fashion statement. You are not a man, if you don’t get angry. It’s just like growing a beard.

Black Vs White
I’m a dark woman/man, and therefore I’m a disgrace in the society. I have no confidence, I have no good clothes to complement my complexion, I don’t get jobs, basically I can’t live. As a dark man, I don’t get girls.
Because Fair & Lovely, Fairever, Fair-whatever can only do camera tricks and not save you in reality, you are for eternity, a shame!

Love is nothing but a fashion statement.
Love is 2-day anniversaries, 6-week anniversaries, photo-shoots in exotic locations, international vacations, expensive dinner dates, and exorbitantly priced diamonds.

Everybody has a secret. They will never share it.
Every single human being on this earth is living a lie. What they really want to be in life, and what they really become are two different extremes. We begin to accept the lie and slowly start believing that it is the new truth.
A man once killed his sister’s children, brutally beating them with a cricket bat. Both the children lay on the bed, soaked in their own blood. When questioned on what led him to commit such a gruesome act, he said that he felt liberated and free when beating the children. He felt like he was beating his dad, who always overpowered him and dominated him. Killing those little children was therapeutic to him.
There are instances in our lives, when we want to break open and speak out our minds. But we just can’t. Because, nobody will understand.

If it is forbidden, it will instigate curiosity.
When Eve ate the forbidden fruit and let her partner participate in the same, little did they know that they were going to change the way the world would live from then on.
Every forbidden act, object will nevertheless create a great sense of curiosity. So great, that until you unravel the mystery behind it, you will not have any other purpose to fulfill. And when you do come to learn the truth, you will abuse it extensively, as if without it your life was never complete.

I want to conclude by saying that, any problem is not the cause of one factor.  It is the combination of myriad factors. If we want to solve one problem, many other problems will have to be solved too. Greed, money, caste and religion.

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