Saturday, November 15, 2008

Tattoo - an eye sore!

I don't know why there's such a craze for tattoos. The minute I see a tattoo I feel like puking. Some tattoos haunt me and even make me detest food for days. Especially facial tattoos. Yuck!
I find it disturbing when people try to flaunt it. I knew this person who tattooed her fingers...ewww... with tattoo rings... I don't get it... why wouldn't she buy rings and wear them instead of tattooing the same... The skin, after being tattooed, it looks absolutely disgusting... I pray you don't see it too close, becos you'll see ugly irritated skin cultivating around the tattoo...

Tattoos are like this permanent mark on the skin (luckily for some, it can be removed by laser techniques)... but it's like a big distracting black spot on a clean white sheet.

I don't know why, but to me, a scar and a tattoo look the same! May be the only difference is that a scar does not come in attractive designs :D

Bani. J of MTV has the most disgusting tattoo I have ever seen in my life. The tattoo itself is not bad but the placement of her Tattoo is (full length of her inner arms - both)... it's so disgusting that whenever I see her on TV I inevitably change the channel. It's sick!

I know slaves used to be 'marked' for identification and even animals bore names on their skin for commercial purposes... all that is ok... but how it all became a fashion symbol I don't know... and I've noticed something very weird about tattoos... their owners somehow grow around the tattoo. Their facial expressions, gestures, make up, hair do, attire, behavior, everything changes...rather, matches the tattoo...
may be the tattoo is just an identity mark...

ok whatever, the very thought of inflicting pain for changing your pigments and disturbing the skin surfaces irritates me.

may be I have a weird phobia - tattoo phobia!


Ashish said...

Even I feel the same da. Tattoos are so sickening. And as you rightly said, the funny origin of tattoos makes it even more sickening!! The only ones who badly needed tattoos are Surya and Aamir Khan!

Avril said...

I love them!

Anonymous said...

well some people get the tatto for that same reason maybe because their ancestors we "marked" they are making a statement saying i have the freedom to do what i want to my own body ect. i dunno, but i do have a tattoo and its doesn't have dead skin around it lol its on my shoulder....i like them, and i think it all goes with ur preferences, i respect that u don't like tattoos...just remember people that have them are not all that bad

Sara said...

totally agree

Sara said...

totally agree with you

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.