Monday, June 17, 2013

Being grateful...

With all the highs and lows that life bring with it, yesterday; as if someone held me strong by my shoulder and shook me up; I realized I have stopped being grateful. We all know love is the greatest commandment, possibly the elixir of a happy life. But you can’t ‘love’ without being grateful for what you have, who you have, how you are. Gratefulness is the greatest virtue you can nurture in your life.

We tend to crib. We tend to hate. We tend to sulk. We tend to go into depression. We tend be in a permanent state of sadness and defeat. Without expecting someone or something to love you to bring you out of this phase, we must get up and say ‘Thank you.’

“Yesterday I was cribbing that I don’t have beautiful eyes. Today I realized I should be grateful for I have eyes that are healthy.”

You will not find a more cynical person than me. I criticize everything. Anyone. I judge too easily. Yesterday I realized, nobody really had an issue. Nobody was at fault. But I was the one who had failed to look at the positive and beautiful side of things. I was the problem. I was too busy trying to make myself happy and looking for things to satisfy my greed. I forgot that we co-exist. I forgot that we were all created in goodwill, filled with the grace and beauty of the divine power. Nobody is bad. Nobody is unclean. Nobody is disgraceful. We are turning a blind eye to the good. We take solace in seeing someone in poor light so that we feel superior.

Yesterday, I decided to count my blessings. To write down all the wonderful things I had in life. Being grateful is being content. Being content is allowing peace to flow through our souls. Being peaceful is being able to see beautiful things. Being able to see beauty is being able to see God. Being able to see God is being able to have lived the most wonderful life ever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Quite philosophical one. Being grateful is a great thing. Human life is very small and is nothing in front of the nature. Not sure, if there is God, but don't understand everything either.